Week 25: Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

As I exclusively predicted here, I failed to keep Week Notes going past week 9. Here we are 16 weeks later trying again. I’m going to define this as week 25 because it’s my blog, so I can.

A lot has happened since the last post. It can be boiled down to two life events:

  • I eat meat now. After nearly 4 years I came to the conclusion that vegetables are great but boring eventually, that fake meat costs far too much (in every sense) and that actually I really like meat and life is too short. I started off strong back in November with a steak tartare and a ribeye – it went well so I have kept doing it. Still no fish or dairy though so I am still miserable to cook for or go out for dinner with.
  • I own a Peloton now. This is essentially the logical progression of the mid-life event I continue to navigate (Land Rover, vegan, take up running, quit running, quit veganism, keep the Land Rover). It’s not unrelated to the first bullet point where I figure that I need to find some form of sensible yet warm and dry way to stay in some sort of shape. Six weeks in, I’ve done 30 rides, ridden 279km and consistently annoyed my friends with these type of updates.

And this week…

  • I spent most of the week at the home of the (plastic) brick, which was a lot of fun. I had to prepare and co-host a workshop session for a roomful of colleagues from around the world – fortunately it seems to have gone well – unfortunately I have to deliver a similar session again now as a result.
  • Back home the basement workshop continues to take shape, the allotment is in the middle of a spring refresh, M is increasingly becoming the boss of the entire household and we continue to wait for the council to approve renovation plans so we can get started.
  • The Defender no longer smells like a wet dog thanks to some pre-Christmas repairs but it does still leak regularly which means that I am now starting the process of renovation on this too. Or should I just sell it?
  • It’s three years to the day since we left London to return to the north.

Will I keep this up for more than one week? Tune in next Sunday to find out!